Home > Announcements, Rumors > Farmville and Mafia Wars collide, Hod Rod Tractor avaliable at a price

Farmville and Mafia Wars collide, Hod Rod Tractor avaliable at a price

I had been talking about a Farmville item that was rumored to require Mafia Wars participation and this is it:

Farmville users will need to get to level 10 in Mafia Wars in order to have the option to purchase the tractor, which costs an estimated 45,000 gold and plows a 3×3 grid compared to the current 2×2. As usual, only some people have the option to get this item until the testing phase is complete

As I had stated in my previous article, this is advertising gold. There is not a single game in facebook that has as many daily users as Farmville, at 27,000,000 users. It couldn’t hurt to expose an audience that big to one of Zynga’s other games and I can bet that if it is as successful as I think it will be then we will see more of these cross-genre offers.

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